TEDx 2015 speakers announced

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TEDx Rockhampton are proud to announce their final four speakers for their May 30, 2015 event.


Ben is a director and co-founder of Arris Water, a company that specialises in decentralised water treatment and recycling systems. He is also known as a researcher in Zeolites and other volcanic filter media, holder of two innovation patents for wastewater treatment technologies, co-developer and lecturer in the ICEWaRM Post Graduate course the Engineered Water Cycle, IWES Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems course and ICEWaRM Coal Seam Gas Water course. His specialties include treatment and reuse of coal seam gas associated water and design, construction, and operation of decentralised water systems; including Wastewater, Potable Water, and storm water.


jjjjjjjJudi is an avid collector of sea glass.  Her formal background is high school principal currently executive coach.  She has a Diploma of Teaching, a Bachelor of Education, Masters of Learning Management (Leadership) and is currently studying final subjects of a psychology degree.  Although her first love is teaching and learning her passion is sea glass collecting. Sea glass collecting is a culmination of all she loves and works for.   Through sea glass, Judi has been able to travel to exotic locations on treasure hunts, spend much time in and around the ocean, collect and organise old bottles and sand, investigate the history of glass, art and craft, exercise and walking long distances, spend time with her husband, learn and teach. Collecting sea glass has enabled her to live her values.


Jo is the Rockhampton Hospital’s DonateLife Specialist Nurse with a passion for raising awareness on organ donation. She said only 53% of people know the wishes of their deceased loved ones preventing doctors from giving them the okay to process an organ donation.