TEDx Rockhampton is fast approaching

There’s just over a month to go until the first ever TEDxRockhampton event kicks off, and the organising team are putting the finishing touches on what will be a marvellous line-up of speakers.

Attendees at the event on May 25th will hear from an internationally acclaimed TED Fellow, a grazier and rural educator, a Gen Y advocate and dreamer, local business identities, and a trailblazing teacher – to name a few.

Sarah Jane Pell

Sarah Jane Pell is an artist, researcher and diver, and one of only two Australian TED Fellows. Sarah will be exploring underwater interactions and extreme spaces – what the future of extreme sports and arts may look like.

Mick Alexander

Mick Alexander is a pasture and grazing specialist who works within the Queensland and New South Wales agricultural industry. He is passionate about grazing and farming best practices, and will be speaking about how healthy soil relates to healthy humans – how farmers and agriculture are a solution for the future.

Harvee Pene

When local QLD Mastermind group founder Harvee “HP” Pene found himself (in true Gen Y style) too impatient and lazy to work hard and wait for the future he wanted, he made a fascinating discovery for how to Be, Do and Have anything you want!

Trudy Graham

Local educator Trudy Graham believes that kids can do amazing things – if you keep it real. Trudy will be sharing from her experiences as a principal and cheerleader for the younger generation by way of the Fingerprint Projects.

Further speakers will be announced in the coming weeks – so stay tuned! All speaker information and bios are available on the event website at www.TEDxRockhampton.com.


TEDxRockhampton is also proud to announce CQUniversity’s Rockhampton campus as the venue for their event.

Room 1.28 of Building 32 in the University’s Arts & Humanities precinct will be host to 100 of Central Queensland’s best and brightest as they take A Glimpse into the Future.

TEDxRockhampton Curator Treassa Joseph says the support of CQUniversity has really helped the event get off the ground.

“CQUniversity has been very generous in their support from Day 1, and we know they are as committed to the future of Central Queensland as we are.”

There are less than 20 attendee places left – so if you want to be a part of TEDxRockhampton 2013, make sure you don’t miss out by registering.

You can nominate yourself to attend at www.TEDxRockhampton.com, and register to stay up to date with all the latest plottings via our social media channels – facebook.com/TEDxRockhampton and twitter.com/TEDxRockhampton.